History Group Meetings

Upcoming Events
If you would like to give a talk relevant to the history of the village.
Please contact Judy Monger 01285 861292
Nothing Scheduled
Due to COVID-19 history group events are currently paused
History Group CD

Version 3 of this CD now contains all that is on V2 plus: Resource Schedule now containing almost 800 entries.
An extended Images Section which now includes:
The Cotswold Bruderhof (1936-1941)
Parish Council Minutes and Accounts (1895-2011)
Census Records (1841-1911)
Some Crimes from the Past
Memories of growing up in Somerford Keynes by; Bernard Stratford, David Radway, John Hayward, Violet and Norman Stratford
The History Group Quiz Night
Questions and Answers
Articles and Maps relating to The Enclosure Act
Front Covers of books held in the Group’s Library
More maps and photographs
Only £5 per copy (£1 if upgrading from Version 2)
All profit to History Group funds
Previous Events
24 November 2018
100 years of the RAF and 100 years since the end of The Great War
A viewing of the recently released documentary film, ‘Spitfire’ giving the late Joy Lofthouse, Mary Ellis, Geoffrey Wellum and other pilot’s impressions. Also featuring the first flight, witnessed by a 4 year old, smuggled onto the airfield by her father, a member of Mitchell’s design team.In a filmed interview Judy Monger recalled her childhood experience, witnessing ‘that wonderful new aeroplane’ take to the sky.The usual browsing tables were supplemented by memorabilia of Des Sheen’s father, a Spitfire pilot in the Battle of Britain
9 October 2017
‘The Making of the Ridgeway Environment’ by Eric Jones, co-author of ‘Middle Ridgeway’. His talk addressed historical and landscape influences, fluctuating cultivation and a prolonged sporting history along the Ridgeway between Avebury and Streatly. Anyone who has walked there knows the magic of being there
25 April 2016
“An Evening in Somerford Keynes”, Village Hall. Showing a DVD of a lovely walk around the village and then screening a selection from the 500 Village Photos so far collected.
October 2015
Joy Lofthouse, a 92 year old Cirencester girl, entertained a capacity crowd with her description of life in the ATA, where she got to fly Spitfires and other military planes
December 2014
James King, son of the late Jim King of Elm View, visited on Tuesday 30th December to donate an 1806 hand coloured map to the village. it will be displayed in the Village Hall. It has much detail of landholdings and land use. The map here cannot do it justice as it was photographed through the glass cover, but it does show the scale of detail. More of the story on the Latest page.
November 2014
The hall was packed for a remembrance meeting, at which the members of the armed forces who died in the First World War were described in a short Play. Other contributors described the campaign medals issued, and have made a start on discovering those who went to war and did return. If you know anything of these, please get in touch.
Of 240 inhabitants in 1914, at least 54 went to serve the country and 12 did not return.
May 2014
Flooding History of Somerford Keynes: Roger Sleeman delved in the Parish Minutes, old maps and pictures from the turn of the century.
November 2013
‘Farming then and Now: A compilation of studies by Karen Mogridge, working on Field Names, Ann Whitwell on farming stories from the papers, and Judy Monger on general history, though Roger Sleeman had to be Judy’s voice! The projector was put to good use. As usual a good turnout.
April 2013
The Body in the Barn and other mysteries
The main item was a talk, with illustrations, given by Ann Whitwell on Crime in the village. This included bodies shot at dawn, drowned in a ditch and found in a barn as well as Bigamy, Arson and Transportation. The talk was very well received by those present. There was also an additional short presentation on significant moments in the village’s recent history. Around forty people attended the meeting, an excellent turn out. Members were encouraged to get involved with the various projects that are currently underway. For further details please contact one of the co-coordinators.
February 2013
What do you know about your Village? (Q&A now on V3 Disk)
November 2012
Our Third Anniversary, much information was on display. The film of the 1985 Expedition from Malmesbury to celebrate 1300 years of Christianity was shown.
September 2012
Tim Jordan, author, talked about Cotswold Stone Barns. Tim was able to illustrate his talk with copious pictures from across the Cotswolds using the hall’s new projector and screen. He also had some of his books for sale.
May 2012
Your first Aviation experience, capturing living history. Various members contributed.
January 2012
Bob Bewley – Archaeology from the air. Bob is not to be missed talking on his favourite subject! Forty villagers attended this popular talk.
November 2011
Members Evening. Celebrating two years of the group; a large amount of material was on display and we all enjoyed a glass of wine and heard several members talking about their researches to date.
September 2011
Maggie Sheen – An Overview of Pottery Making in Britain from Neolithic, Roman, Anglo-Saxon to Medieval Times.
August 2011
Shorncote Quarry An evening walk to see the history and growth of gravel extraction at this quarry.
April 2011
Did you ever think about emigrating? To Australia or Canada? Did something or somebody prevent you from taking such a life changing step? Ever wonder what your life might have been like had you gone? Back at the beginning of the last Century, the Westmacott family did leave for Canada after about 300 years of living in Somerford Keynes where they were variously shepherd, agricultural labourer, coachman, yeoman, farmers, shoemaker, baker and grocer, (living where The Old Post Office now is), churchwarden and census enumerator. On Tuesday, 26th April descendants of the family visited the area from Western Canada to talk about their ancestors and what happened to them after arriving in Canada. You may have seen pictures of them in our Photograph Collection!
March 2011
How to research local history: Linda and David VinerDavid showed us a number of different kinds of printed outputs of village and town local history. Linda reminded him that computer recording should not be forgotten, and Pat was congratulated on his data disc. David’s main message is that we may have more projects than we can currently handle, and should prioritise them. He also suggested that we are missing the bigger objective of recording the history of local gravel extraction, while there are still those around from the early days, which will clearly require collaboration with neighbouring villages. Linda said we should always look to the broader picture outside our area, while collating what happens inside it. A superb meeting overall.
February 2011
Visit: Working mill at Lower Mill Estate.
Organised by Ian Boast
A large collection of photographs of the Lower Mill visit taken by John Sweet can be found on the History Disk v2 item 66
January 2011
The Bruderhof Community
By Ann Whitwell
The meeting in January had 33 of us watching a most interesting DVD of a film taken by and about the Bruderhof, founders of The Cotswold Community up the road and shown by Ann Whitwell. As there was insufficient time to show the whole record, Ann very kindly invited us to her house to see the well worthwhile remainder and some of us have already availed ourselves of her kind hospitality. Thank you, Ann!
September 2011
Crossing Places of the Upper Thames: Amy Woolacott
September 2010
Crossing Places of the Upper Thames: Amy Woolacott.
August 2010
Visit: Lower Mill Estate, Organised by Ian Boast
May 2010
Visit: Gloucestershire Records OfficeOrganised by Roger Sleeman.
May 2010
Working with Mills: Ian Boast and Fred and Margaret Timbrell.
March 2010
Boyhood Memories: John Hayward.
Now on History Disk
January 2010
Men on the War Memorial: Lynda Isherwood
December 2009
Display of Member’s Objects
October 2009
Inaugural Meeting