Spring 2021 Newsletter

Spring Newsletter 11
Clerk Wendy Cartwright 01285 861517
Councillors: Richard Elsey, Mandy Keegan, Michele Rigby, Roger Sleeman, Angela Stradling, Graham Valentine, John Whitwell (Chair)
COVID Update:
We have all been subject to strict Lockdown in recent months but, thankfully, there are now signs that cases are decreasing with Cotswold District being significantly lower than the national average. Also, very recent news that those over 56 are now being offered their vaccinations. We very much hope that easing will continue as planned in forthcoming weeks.
As we are not delivering this newsletter by hand at the moment, we would ask you to encourage neighbours, particularly any new to the village, to send Wendy their email addresses so that we can keep in touch and ensure they get updates.
The list of volunteers who have offered to help during the pandemic has changed due to people moving etc. If anyone would like to be added to the list, please contact Wendy.
The current list is:
- Julie Allen (Water Lane 07801065690)
- Andy Clark (Water Lane 862745)
- Paula Eales (The Street 862430)
- Peter Burrows (The Street 07988712375)
- Claire Avery (Elm View 07889629070)
New Look Website!
Our massive thanks to Mike McKeown & Jon Lunn who have built our new look website at: https://www.somerfordkeynes.org.uk/
Some of the benefits of the new site include:
- Dynamic content including news, notices, and blogs
- Dynamic resizing means the site works on mobiles and tables as well as PCs
- Photo galleries
- Local directory
- Content search
- Easier to manage, which means people from groups such as the Parish Council, Village Lake, Village Hall, Church and History Group can manage their own content
- Uses modern web technology, which allows a nicer design, meets government guidelines on accessibility and improves security
We are very also grateful to Peter Watkins for his many years of support.
Bakers Arms
We are pleased to advise that on 12 April, when we hope restrictions are lessened, the Bakers Arms will reopen on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from midday to 9pm. Only the garden will be open initially. There will be a bar service, with light food being served during the daytime such as sandwiches, mezze boards, and scones. Hot food will be served in the evening.
Subject to the further release of restrictions, from 17 May the BAs should be fully open again with a new menu.
Home deliveries will continue until further notice. Any queries call the BAs on 01285 861298 and someone will call back asap.
Good news on NDP (Neighbourhood Development Plan)
The Coronavirus pandemic has delayed progress on the NDP, as with so many other things. However, there is good news to report. The Plan was submitted to the Independent Examiner in November 2019. He had to decide if it met all of the criteria to be submitted for referendum in the community. The good news is that the report, published in July 2020, endorsed the plan to go forward to this final stage. There will be an “NDP News” in the near future giving more information about this.
The referendum will be held as part of the elections scheduled for this May when you will be asked to vote to approve the NDP. It is important that the community votes in the referendum to show whether we endorse this Plan, which has been developed in response to the views expressed by you, the people of the Parish.
Neigh Bridge
During the winter there have been three Cotswold Water Park multi-agency meetings involving County Councils, District Councils, Parish Councils, and the Police. There are working groups set up to try and improve the three main problems of Littering, Parking, Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour. The problems experienced at Neigh Bridge last year received a lot of attention in these meetings and we do hope that as the weather improves and restrictions ease, we will not see a repeat of the problems experienced last year.
The Village Hall
The Village Hall has obviously been closed for the last couple of months. There is a Committee meeting this week where, following Government guidance, decisions will be made in terms of when to re-open. Further information will be made available in due course.
Village Lake Update
As the weather improves, it will be lovely to see this beautiful amenity used more. Recent developments are the anti-slip strips have been installed on the boardwalk by volunteers from the village and the owl box camera has been installed – hopefully, this will provide some great images if we’re fortunate enough for an owl to nest in the box! Videos can be downloaded from the village website.
Keeping the Village Tidy & Neat
Due to Coronavirus, we have not been able to run our normal Litter Picking activity, but it has been noticed that a number of residents have been making their own efforts on this front. A big thanks to them all and a special shout out to Des Sheen who has individually made a huge impact!
Cutting of Hedges – it’s growing season, so we’d be grateful if residents would make best efforts to trim back any overgrowing shrubs, trees and hedges.
Stay Safe, The Parish Council