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NDP News Issue 9


The journey to formal approval for the Somerford Keynes and Shorncote Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) is almost complete. The final step is for the community to vote in the upcoming referendum. So it’s time to update you on how we finally got to this point and what you need to do.

The NDP is the only way in which local community views can directly inform new planning policies. Is that important? It would certainly appear so, because the NDP is playing an important part in a planning application on which local opinion is being expressed very strongly.


The last NDP News reported that the NDP had been submitted to Cotswold District Council, our local planning authority, whose endorsement is needed for it to progress. A further public consultation followed and the NDP was sent to an Independent Examiner for comment. This consultation period ended on 24 January 2020 and that’s the last you may have heard of the NDP.

Now read on.


The consultation was completed successfully, the Independent Examiner sent his initial comments and queries on various aspects of the Plan, and then – – – –  – covid-19!! We had been aiming to run the referendum on the NDP at the same time as the elections in May 2020, but then the government announced that all elections and local referenda would be postponed for a year. Not what we wanted to hear, but in the grand scheme of things, not the most disastrous aspect of the pandemic which we are still battling now.

Although our plans to finish this process had been torpedoed, we were able to continue to work towards completing the remaining stages prior to the referendum. For reasons explained below, this was an important decision. The rest of this “News” reports what has happened between February 2020 and now.


Before CDC can approve a Neighbourhood Plan to go to referendum it must be endorsed by an Independent Examiner, whose job it is to ensure that the NDP meets all the requirements of European legislation, the national planning framework and the CDC Local Plan and that it completed all of the administrative stages.

In February 2020, the Examiner produced a list of points upon which he sought clarification to ensure that they complied with all of the above. The Parish Council responded to those queries and the Examiner published his full report on 28 July 2020. This was a key point, because it is this recommendation that decides if the NDP can move forward.


The report states that “Subject to a series of recommended modifications – – – the Somerford Keynes and Shorncote NDP meets all the necessary legal requirements and should proceed to referendum”. That’s what we wanted to hear because the referendum is the final stage and the opportunity for local people to make the final decision.

CDC, as the local planning authority, endorsed the Examiner’s recommendation on 28 August, commenting, “While there is an ever increasing number of made neighbourhood plans, there are very few that have been prepared and written without professional assistance, so we think you can be doubly proud of this achievement.”

The Report made a particular point of commending the level of public consultation, ensuring that our NDP is a true reflection of community views and aspirations. It states, “the Plan has promoted an inclusive approach to seeking opinions of all concerned”. The Examiner points out that the Plan has “a very clear focus on safeguarding local character and providing a context within which new homes can be accommodated. – – -It has a particular focus on maintaining the rural identity of the neighbourhood area.” He also commented, “The production of the Plan has been well-managed”.

The modifications he proposed were largely helpful clarifications to ensure that Policies were correctly worded to conform to planning requirements. Two Policies had to be deleted. SKPOL2, on first option to buy new houses for local people, is now a Community Proposal, and SKPOL12, relating to outdoor advertising and signage, included because of strongly held local views on this matter, has been deleted because it is a matter for CDC. None of the changes interferes with the central objectives of the NDP, agreed so long ago in our public consultations.

The full NDP can be downloaded here


The only outstanding matter is to ensure that you vote in the referendum in May. Everyone in the Parish is entitled to vote, either in person or by using a postal ballot.

This has been a long road – – -far longer than we envisaged at the start! Now we’re near the end, please play your part one more time and vote in the referendum. It’s YOUR village and YOUR Plan.

Ron Munroe, Sarah Powell, the NDP Team

Published and printed by Somerford Keynes Parish Council 24 March 2021