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January 2021 agenda

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 4th January at 7.30pm in the Village Hall is CANCELLED due to Covid-19.  However, it will be held via zoom meeting:

Please contact John Whitwell on [email protected] for details and password.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of interest
  3. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting held on 7th December
  4. Matters arising from previous minutes
  5. Planning applications
  6. Correspondence
  7. Financial Matters
  8. Questions/comments

Wendy Cartwright, Parish Clerk

28th December 2020


  • Social and safe roads
  • Non designated heritage structures
  • Ashback die back scheme
  • Water Lane and drainage issues
  • Disrupted Water supply – Church lane

Planning Applications

  • 20/04079/FUL – Development of Land to South East of Ashland House
  • 20/03092/FUL – Variation of condition 2 of application 19/l00247/FUL to seek approval of the change of permitted unit type, LME
  • 20/04292/TCONR – Tree work at East Manor Barn Somerford Keynes
  • 20/03592/FUL – Erection of 8 detached holiday units, ancillary buildings, provision of new landscaping, vehicular access plus amendments to the waters’ edge of Minety Lake, LME
  • 20/04086/FUL – Addition of hot tub to rear decking and jetty to water’s edge. LME
  • 20/04259/FUL – Variation of condition 2 of application 19/00247/FUL to seek the approval of the change of unit location, extended decking and relocation of two trees, LME
  • 20/03207/FUL – Variation of condition 2 and 4 of application 11/03126/FUL to seek approval of the change of permitted unit type, LME
  • 20/03013/FUL – Variation of condition 2 of application 19/00247/FUL to change of permitted unit type, LME

Financial Matters

  • Precept approval
  • Zoom subscription expenses £14.39