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Author: SKPC Clerk

Annual Parish Meeting April 2021 agenda

Councillors:  John Whitwell (Chair), Richard Elsey (Vice chair) Mandy Keegan, Michele Rigby, Roger Sleeman, Angela Stradling, Graham Valentine,Tony Berry (Cotswold District Councillor), Shaun Parsons (Gloucestershire County Councillor)

Clerk: Wendy Cartwright

Monday 26th April 2021, 7.30pm, To be held by zoom conference

Please contact John Whitwell on [email protected] for details and password.

  1.    To receive apologies
  2.    To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 4th May 2020
  3.    To receive the Chair’s report (John Whitwell)
  4.    To receive a report on the Village Lake (Mike Wilding)
  5.   To receive a short financial report from the Clerk (Wendy Cartwright)
  6.    To receive a report from our District Councillor (Tony Berry)
  7.   To receive a report from our County Councillor (Shaun Parsons)

Questions may be asked after every report.

April 2021      

April 2021 agenda

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 12th April at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall is CANCELLED due to Covid-19.  However, it will be held via zoom meeting:

Please contact John Whitwell on [email protected] for details and password.

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of interest
  3. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting held on 1st March
  4. Matters arising from previous minutes
    • Parish clerk and internal auditor appointment
    • Future plans for Neigh Bridge Country Park
  5. Planning applications
  6. Correspondence
  7. Financial Matters
  8. Questions/comments

Wendy Cartwright, Parish Clerk

5th April 2020


  • Watercourse maps

Planning Applications

  • 20/03592/FUL – Erection of 8 detached holiday units, ancillary buildings, provision of new landscaping, vehicular access, LME
  • 21/00774/FUL – Pool, boat store and jetty design, LME
  • 21/00843/FUL – Extension of the rear decking at 12 Spinney Lake, LME
  • 20/03319/FUL – Erection of single storey front extension at The Weighbridge Cabin, The Paddocks, Somerford Keynes
  • 21/00961/FUL – Change of use from a cycle hire facility (E (a) Use Class) to a single residential dwelling (C3 Use Class) at Tall Trees Water Lane Somerford Keynes
  • 21/00215/FUL – Proposed re-roofing of ground floor roofs at Old School House Somerford Keynes
  • 21/00216/LBC – Listed Building Consent for Proposed re-roofing of ground floor roofs and internal alterations at Old School House, Somerford Keynes
  • 21/01000/FUL 21/01000/FUL – Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a replacement single storage pent roof building at Land Parcel Known as The Lane Garden Ewen Road Somerford Keynes
  • 21/00840/TCONR- Sycamore – 2m overall crown reduction at Brockhill, Somerford Keynes
  • 21/01381/TCONR – Silver Maple – Brockhill, Somerford Keynes

Financial Matters

Zoom subscription expenses £14.39; Microsoft subscription £59.99, Busy fingers printing £12.60

NDP News Issue 9


The journey to formal approval for the Somerford Keynes and Shorncote Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) is almost complete. The final step is for the community to vote in the upcoming referendum. So it’s time to update you on how we finally got to this point and what you need to do.

The NDP is the only way in which local community views can directly inform new planning policies. Is that important? It would certainly appear so, because the NDP is playing an important part in a planning application on which local opinion is being expressed very strongly.


The last NDP News reported that the NDP had been submitted to Cotswold District Council, our local planning authority, whose endorsement is needed for it to progress. A further public consultation followed and the NDP was sent to an Independent Examiner for comment. This consultation period ended on 24 January 2020 and that’s the last you may have heard of the NDP.

Now read on.


The consultation was completed successfully, the Independent Examiner sent his initial comments and queries on various aspects of the Plan, and then – – – –  – covid-19!! We had been aiming to run the referendum on the NDP at the same time as the elections in May 2020, but then the government announced that all elections and local referenda would be postponed for a year. Not what we wanted to hear, but in the grand scheme of things, not the most disastrous aspect of the pandemic which we are still battling now.

Although our plans to finish this process had been torpedoed, we were able to continue to work towards completing the remaining stages prior to the referendum. For reasons explained below, this was an important decision. The rest of this “News” reports what has happened between February 2020 and now.


Before CDC can approve a Neighbourhood Plan to go to referendum it must be endorsed by an Independent Examiner, whose job it is to ensure that the NDP meets all the requirements of European legislation, the national planning framework and the CDC Local Plan and that it completed all of the administrative stages.

In February 2020, the Examiner produced a list of points upon which he sought clarification to ensure that they complied with all of the above. The Parish Council responded to those queries and the Examiner published his full report on 28 July 2020. This was a key point, because it is this recommendation that decides if the NDP can move forward.


The report states that “Subject to a series of recommended modifications – – – the Somerford Keynes and Shorncote NDP meets all the necessary legal requirements and should proceed to referendum”. That’s what we wanted to hear because the referendum is the final stage and the opportunity for local people to make the final decision.

CDC, as the local planning authority, endorsed the Examiner’s recommendation on 28 August, commenting, “While there is an ever increasing number of made neighbourhood plans, there are very few that have been prepared and written without professional assistance, so we think you can be doubly proud of this achievement.”

The Report made a particular point of commending the level of public consultation, ensuring that our NDP is a true reflection of community views and aspirations. It states, “the Plan has promoted an inclusive approach to seeking opinions of all concerned”. The Examiner points out that the Plan has “a very clear focus on safeguarding local character and providing a context within which new homes can be accommodated. – – -It has a particular focus on maintaining the rural identity of the neighbourhood area.” He also commented, “The production of the Plan has been well-managed”.

The modifications he proposed were largely helpful clarifications to ensure that Policies were correctly worded to conform to planning requirements. Two Policies had to be deleted. SKPOL2, on first option to buy new houses for local people, is now a Community Proposal, and SKPOL12, relating to outdoor advertising and signage, included because of strongly held local views on this matter, has been deleted because it is a matter for CDC. None of the changes interferes with the central objectives of the NDP, agreed so long ago in our public consultations.

The full NDP can be downloaded here


The only outstanding matter is to ensure that you vote in the referendum in May. Everyone in the Parish is entitled to vote, either in person or by using a postal ballot.

This has been a long road – – -far longer than we envisaged at the start! Now we’re near the end, please play your part one more time and vote in the referendum. It’s YOUR village and YOUR Plan.

Ron Munroe, Sarah Powell, the NDP Team

Published and printed by Somerford Keynes Parish Council 24 March 2021

Spring 2021 Newsletter

Spring Newsletter 11

Clerk Wendy Cartwright 01285 861517 

[email protected] 

Councillors: Richard Elsey, Mandy Keegan, Michele Rigby, Roger Sleeman, Angela Stradling, Graham Valentine, John Whitwell (Chair) 

COVID Update:

We have all been subject to strict Lockdown in recent months but, thankfully, there are now signs that cases are decreasing with Cotswold District being significantly lower than the national average. Also, very recent news that those over 56 are now being offered their vaccinations. We very much hope that easing will continue as planned in forthcoming weeks.

As we are not delivering this newsletter by hand at the moment, we would ask you to encourage neighbours, particularly any new to the village, to send Wendy their email addresses so that we can keep in touch and ensure they get updates.

The list of volunteers who have offered to help during the pandemic has changed due to people moving etc. If anyone would like to be added to the list, please contact Wendy.

The current list is:

  • Julie Allen (Water Lane 07801065690)
  • Andy Clark (Water Lane 862745)
  • Paula Eales (The Street 862430)
  • Peter Burrows (The Street 07988712375)
  • Claire Avery (Elm View 07889629070)

New Look Website!

Our massive thanks to Mike McKeown & Jon Lunn who have built our new look website at:

Some of the benefits of the new site include:

  • Dynamic content including news, notices, and blogs
  • Dynamic resizing means the site works on mobiles and tables as well as PCs
  • Photo galleries
  • Local directory
  • Content search
  • Easier to manage, which means people from groups such as the Parish Council, Village Lake, Village Hall, Church and History Group can manage their own content
  • Uses modern web technology, which allows a nicer design, meets government guidelines on accessibility and improves security

We are very also grateful to Peter Watkins for his many years of support.

Bakers Arms

We are pleased to advise that on 12 April, when we hope restrictions are lessened, the Bakers Arms will reopen on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from midday to 9pm. Only the garden will be open initially. There will be a bar service, with light food being served during the daytime such as sandwiches, mezze boards, and scones. Hot food will be served in the evening.

Subject to the further release of restrictions, from 17 May the BAs should be fully open again with a new menu.

Home deliveries will continue until further notice. Any queries call the BAs on 01285 861298 and someone will call back asap.

Good news on NDP (Neighbourhood Development Plan)

The Coronavirus pandemic has delayed progress on the NDP, as with so many other things. However, there is good news to report. The Plan was submitted to the Independent Examiner in November 2019. He had to decide if it met all of the criteria to be submitted for referendum in the community. The good news is that the report, published in July 2020, endorsed the plan to go forward to this final stage. There will be an “NDP News” in the near future giving more information about this.

The referendum will be held as part of the elections scheduled for this May when you will be asked to vote to approve the NDP. It is important that the community votes in the referendum to show whether we endorse this Plan, which has been developed in response to the views expressed by you, the people of the Parish.

Neigh Bridge

During the winter there have been three Cotswold Water Park multi-agency meetings involving County Councils, District Councils, Parish Councils, and the Police. There are working groups set up to try and improve the three main problems of Littering, Parking, Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour. The problems experienced at Neigh Bridge last year received a lot of attention in these meetings and we do hope that as the weather improves and restrictions ease, we will not see a repeat of the problems experienced last year.

The Village Hall

The Village Hall has obviously been closed for the last couple of months. There is a Committee meeting this week where, following Government guidance, decisions will be made in terms of when to re-open. Further information will be made available in due course.

Village Lake Update

As the weather improves, it will be lovely to see this beautiful amenity used more. Recent developments are the anti-slip strips have been installed on the boardwalk by volunteers from the village and the owl box camera has been installed – hopefully, this will provide some great images if we’re fortunate enough for an owl to nest in the box! Videos can be downloaded from the village website.

Keeping the Village Tidy & Neat

Due to Coronavirus, we have not been able to run our normal Litter Picking activity, but it has been noticed that a number of residents have been making their own efforts on this front. A big thanks to them all and a special shout out to Des Sheen who has individually made a huge impact!

Cutting of Hedges – it’s growing season, so we’d be grateful if residents would make best efforts to trim back any overgrowing shrubs, trees and hedges.

Stay Safe, The Parish Council 

March 2021 agenda

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 1st March at7.30pm in the Village Hall is CANCELLED due to Covid-19. However, it will be held via zoom meeting:

Please contact John Whitwell on [email protected] for details and password.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of interest
  3. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting held on 1st February
  4. Presentations
    • Access to LME walking paths
    • The Lane Gardens (Triangular land opposite Sculpture Park)
  5. Matters arising from previous minutes
  6. Planning applications
  7. Correspondence
  8. Financial Matters
  9. Questions/comments

Wendy Cartwright, Parish Clerk

28th February


  • Litter picking
  • Drainage ditches
  • Aggressive dog
  • SSSI designation
  • Electric Vehicle charging points at the village hall
  • PROW

Planning Applications

  • 21/00339/FUL – Change the permitted unit type and occupancy restriction, LME
  • 21/00192/FUL – Change the permitted unit type, LME
  • Ashland update, white barn update
  • The Lane Gardens presentation

Financial Matters

Clerks salary £691.80; Zoom subscription expenses £14.39; McAfree subscription £59.99, Village Lake expenses £5.27; £467.23; Historic Town and Village Forum Subscription £15; GAPTC subscription £142.37

February 2021 agenda

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 1st February at 7.30pm in the Village Hall is CANCELLED due to Covid-19.  However, it will be held via zoom meeting:

Please contact John Whitwell on [email protected] for details and password.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of interest
  3. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting held on 4th January
  4. Matters arising from previous minutes
  5. Planning applications
  6. Correspondence
  7. Financial Matters
  8. Questions/comments

Wendy Cartwright, Parish Clerk

25th January 2020


  • SSSI designation
  • 20 mph speed limit
  • Community Rail partnership
  • PSL Manager change
  • Potholes, village gateway signs
  • Water Lane gritting
  • Emergency Plan, Covid plan list of volunteers, Water Lane drainage
  • Aggressive Dog, Footpath post adj to Old School House, Parish Field fencing/ditch
  • Model code of conduct

Planning Applications

  • 20/04183/FUL – Vary condition 2 of planning permission 11/03126/FUL to change the permitted unit, LME
  • 20/04499/FUL – Full Application for Construction of a temporary 19.94MW Solar Farm at Land at Grid Reference 403536 198745 Ashton Road Siddington
  • 20/03916/FUL – Full Application to vary conditions 2 and 4 of planning permission 11/03126/FUL to change the permitted unit type and occupancy restriction, LME
  • 20/03885/FUL – Full Application to vary conditions 2 and 4 of planning permission 11/03126/FUL to change the permitted unit type and occupancy restriction, LME
  • 20/04183/FUL – Full Application to vary condition 2 of planning permission 11/03126/FUL to change the permitted unit type, LME  
  • 21/00353/TCONR – Grange End Tree work; 21/00313/TCONR – Loughrigg Tree work
  • 20/04079/FUL – Development of Land to South East of Ashland House – update
  • White barns update

Financial Matters

Zoom subscription expenses £14.39; Village Lake increase £150 budget

January 2021 agenda

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 4th January at 7.30pm in the Village Hall is CANCELLED due to Covid-19.  However, it will be held via zoom meeting:

Please contact John Whitwell on [email protected] for details and password.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of interest
  3. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting held on 7th December
  4. Matters arising from previous minutes
  5. Planning applications
  6. Correspondence
  7. Financial Matters
  8. Questions/comments

Wendy Cartwright, Parish Clerk

28th December 2020


  • Social and safe roads
  • Non designated heritage structures
  • Ashback die back scheme
  • Water Lane and drainage issues
  • Disrupted Water supply – Church lane

Planning Applications

  • 20/04079/FUL – Development of Land to South East of Ashland House
  • 20/03092/FUL – Variation of condition 2 of application 19/l00247/FUL to seek approval of the change of permitted unit type, LME
  • 20/04292/TCONR – Tree work at East Manor Barn Somerford Keynes
  • 20/03592/FUL – Erection of 8 detached holiday units, ancillary buildings, provision of new landscaping, vehicular access plus amendments to the waters’ edge of Minety Lake, LME
  • 20/04086/FUL – Addition of hot tub to rear decking and jetty to water’s edge. LME
  • 20/04259/FUL – Variation of condition 2 of application 19/00247/FUL to seek the approval of the change of unit location, extended decking and relocation of two trees, LME
  • 20/03207/FUL – Variation of condition 2 and 4 of application 11/03126/FUL to seek approval of the change of permitted unit type, LME
  • 20/03013/FUL – Variation of condition 2 of application 19/00247/FUL to change of permitted unit type, LME

Financial Matters

  • Precept approval
  • Zoom subscription expenses £14.39

March 2021 minutes

Minutes of the meeting of Somerford Keynes Parish Council (SKPC) 1st March 2021

Present: Cllr J. Whitwell (JW, Chair), Cllr R. Elsey (RE, Vice Chair), Cllr M. Rigby (MR), Cllr M. Keegan (MK), Cllr R. Sleeman (RS), Cllr G. Valentine (GV), Cllr A. Stradling (AS) Cllr T. Berry (TB CDC), Cllr S Parsons (SP Gloucester County Council GCC), W. Cartwright (WC, Clerk) plus 5 parishioners.

Held by Zoom conference due to ongoing Coronavirus crisis.

  1. Apologies:  None
  2. Declaration of interest: GV and LME
  3. Minutes of meeting held 1st February were approved subject to amendment that 12/02/21 was the extended date of consultation for Ashland House. Proposed RS, seconded JW.
  4. LME presentation on footpaths access (Oberon Rogers, OR): OR gave a presentation regarding villager access to footpaths around LME private estate. He indicated that following the Homeowners Association meeting and discussion with the Landlord that there would be no future access given to villagers to any private footpaths. OR gave a number of reasons why this was the case in terms of the inability of parishioners to sign code of conduct and invalidating insurance policies, security and drowning issues, practical issues with electronic gates, as well as abusive people.  OR pointed out that there was free access to the public footpaths around the estate. It was questioned whether there could be seasonal access in the autumn, winter and spring months, but not the summer. OR also indicated that LME were adhering to recommendations made by the police following Covid-19, and that the LME decision of no access was final. SKPC voiced its strong disappointment given the past historic relationship with free access to walking around Mill Lake.   
  5. Lane End Gardens (Daniel Janocka, DJ); DJ gave a presentation on a future plan to replace sheds with a low-level building to tidy up the current site as well as to prevent thefts of equipment. It would be discrete, and DJ had sent plans to the Parish Council before submitting to gratefully receive any comments, as he wishes to ensure that any improvement is welcomed. SKPC agreed it was a good idea to tidy the site and had identified no adverse issues with current proposals.
  6. Clerk’s report
    1. Village Website: Mike McKeown (MM) and Jon Lunn (JL) had made the corrections that were given by MR and the website was now live. A training session was scheduled for 4/3/21 for permitted individuals to post information on the website, which included WC, MK, GV.
    2. Keynes Country Park: (KCP); Nothing further to report
    3. Village Lake: Mike Wilding (MW, Village Lake Management Committee, VLMC) gave an update of Village lake projects and indicated that LME did not need to continue to offer to mow the grass (last offered 2019) as the VLMC had a lawn mower. The anti-slip strips had been installed on the boardwalk by village volunteers and the owl box camera installed which is hoped in the future if an owl nests, videos can be downloaded on the village website. A water level gauge is still to be placed at the pond dipping pond. The LME 106 grant to be sought for planting of wildflower meadow had been submitted and correspondences were being exchanged between MW and Esther Frizell-Armitage (CDC). MW was answering questions and there were some barriers to progress, including a request for matched funding. The Natural England designation of the SSSI would now mean that consent would need to be given for regular maintenance work (e.g. pruning trees, planting), but MW had spoken to Peter Holmes (PH, advisor) who indicated that this could be listed on the form, and that such work would not have objections and consent would only be needed once. Action: MW to update TB who would follow up with CDC to help move the LME 106 grant forward. Action: MW to correspond with Natural England on consent of maintenance work.
    4. LME cycleway: No update.
    5. GCC Highways/ footpaths:
      • Village gateway signs: Awaiting installation.
      • Elm View overflowing drain/Water Lane potholes, Water Lane gritting:  WC had contacted Gill Portlock (GCC Highways) on all issues.
      • Footpath post: Footpath post and sign at end of Church Lane adjacent to Old School House needs had been replaced. Action: WC to request a meeting with Frank Dorrington-Ward (FDW) when Covid restrictions are lifted to discuss style replacement with kissing gates.
      • Cycleway red barriers: WC had contacted GCC Highways to request their removal. GP had replied to the request to remove them indicating they were still important and that she would get them reinstated.
    6. Parish Field: A parishioner had indicated that poor state of repair of the fence at the southern end of the field and MR/RE have contacted Jo Pendleberry (JP, Waterland) and she has repaired the fencing and discussed whether any more permanent solution could be sought. One suggestion had been planting thorny hedging which was agreed was a good idea. However, now classified as a SSSI, the Parish Council would need to apply for consent from Natural England. MR had spoken to PH, and requested another pack be sent to WC to give to JP. An acknowledgment form had been sent updating contact details. Action:  WC to chase delivery of additional pack if necessary.
    7. Neighbridge: Ben Wellbourn had provided clarification about the level of income from the Neighbridge car park, which was higher than SKPC had anticipated.
    8. Flooding: Concerns were raised about the high water table and flooding in the vicinity of Water Lane and Laurence King (CDC, Flood manager) and Gill Portlock (GP, GCC Highways) had been contacted. GP had reported that the culvert was clear, and LK had responded indicating that he had been unaware of any specific current problems in the village. SP indicated that clearing the County ditch and jetting culverts in the summer would be a preventative measure to the problem. Action:  WC maintain contact with GP/LK.
    9. Newsletter: AS offered to write a redesigned newsletter and requested for topics to be covered by Councillors. It was agreed a quarterly newsletter was required, and that AS would write the spring issue, RE the summer issue (June), and GV/JW the autumn issue (September). The AGM date of 26/4/21 to be publicised in the newsletter. Action: AS to draft newsletter.

6.10 Other matters

6.10.1 Litter picking: It was agreed that Des Sheen be commended on his huge litter picking efforts around the village with a letter as well as a mention in the spring newsletter, especially given that the annual village litter pick was cancelled the last two years due to Covid-19. Action: WC/AS to acknowledge DS appreciated efforts.

6.10.2 Aggressive dog: WC had contacted the owners of the dog requesting that it be kept on a lead, or if loose muzzled. The owner’s response was considered inadequate by the Parish Council and it was agreed that the FDW (GCC footpaths) and the police be recontacted as previously. Action: WC to contact external bodies.

6.10.3 Electric car charging:  Mike McKeown (MM) had requested this be investigated at the village hall and it was agreed this was a good idea. TB indicated there was money available at CDC for this type of initiative. Action: WC to inform Village Hall Management Committee.

6.10.4 PROW: A parishioner had queried whether the public footpath AKEY4 at Ashton Down, within the Cotswold Community was being inadvertently blocked had contacted Wiltshire County Council (WCC). There was still some access via a farm track but was concerned the original footpath may become lost. Action: WC to keep awareness of response from WCC.

6.10.5 Watercourse/Drainage Ditches: A question had been received from a parishioner regarding whether the County ditch could be regarded as a watercourse as there had been some indication on an old OS map that this could be the case. RS indicated that the River Thames was the nearest watercourse which was the responsibility of the Environment Agency, rather than the County ditch.

Planning applications

  • 21//00339/FUL; 21/00192/FUL (LME change permitted unit type); No objections.
  • 20/04079/FUL – Development of Land to South East of Ashland House – Developers resubmitting amended plans.
  • White barns update: TB had asked for a follow up with planning enforcement, but it would not be a fast response. Action: TB to keep aware of any update.

Financial Matters

Clerks salary £691.80; Zoom subscription expenses £14.39; McAfree subscription £59.99, Village Lake expenses £5.27; £467.23; Historic Town and Village Forum Subscription £15; GAPTC subscription £142.37 Proposed RS seconded MR. Agreed en bloc.

The meeting was closed at 9.20pm.    

Date of next meeting:  Monday 12th April 2021, 7.30 pm

Date of Annual Parish Meeting: Monday 26th April 2021, 7.30 pm

February 2021 minutes

Minutes of the meeting of Somerford Keynes Parish Council (SKPC) 1st February 2021

Present: Cllr J. Whitwell (JW, Chair), Cllr R. Elsey (RE, Vice Chair), Cllr M. Rigby (MR), Cllr M. Keegan (MK), Cllr R. Sleeman (RS), Cllr G. Valentine (GV), Cllr A. Stradling (AS) Cllr T. Berry (TB CDC), Cllr S Parsons (SP Gloucester County Council GCC), W. Cartwright (WC, Clerk)

Parishioners:  2 attendees

Held by Zoom conference due to ongoing Coronavirus crisis.

  1. Apologies:  None
  2. Declaration of interest: GV and LME
  3. Minutes of meeting held 4 January were approved subject to minor amendments suggested by Mike Wilding on the Village Lake. Proposed RS, seconded MK
  4. Clerk’s report
    1. Village Website: Mike McKeown (MM) and Jon Lunn (JL) had given a demonstration of the latest version of the new look website to SKPC on Monday 11th January. All had been highly impressed with its design. It was agreed that the outdated emergency plan should removed and updated for the new site. MK had supplied MM/JL with a list of corrections and it was agreed that MR check the content once corrected, and that training for maintaining the site be organised before the site is made live. Action: MR to contact MM/JL
    2. Keynes Country Park: (KCP) The meeting to be scheduled between Victoria Hadnett (VH, General Manager, Cotswold Country Park and Beach) and RE/ MR was now cancelled as VH had indicated she was leaving the role, but that she request that the new manager contact us when in post.
    3. Village Lake: Mike Wilding (MW, Village Lake Management Committee) gave an update of Village lake projects: The LME 106 grant to be sought for planting of wildflower meadow had been submitted until a response given, the final spend of the Calor grant would be on hold. The oiling of the boardwalk had given good results other than the last 10 metres in the shady area which was still slippery. It was requested that anti-slip strips be purchased (cost £260) which would mean an additional £150 was needed above the original maintenance budget.  Proposed GV, Seconded AS – all voted in favour.
    4. LME footpath: Oberon Rogers had been in contact with MR and indicated that a walking route for access to villagers had been proposed, and that this would be discussed at the next Residents Association meeting on the 6th February. GV thought that the meeting was scheduled for the 13th February but would attend on either date, and it was greed that GV would take the lead to move this forward. Action:  GV to update SKPC.
    5. LME cycleway: No update.
    6. GCC Highways/ footpaths:
      • Village gateway signs: AS had met with Gill Portlock (GCC Highways) and shown the
        3 sites and installation was now considered to be imminent.
      • Elm View overflowing drain: WC to report to GCC Highways for investigation/jetting.
      • Water Lane potholes: WC to request update from GCC Highways on resurfacing.
      • Water Lane gritting:  WC to request to GCC Highways to be included in the route.
      • Footpath post: Footpath post and sign at end of Church Lane adjacent to Old School House needs replacing. Action: WC to report to GCC Footpaths (Frank Dorrington-Ward) and request update on style replacement with kissing gates.
    7. Parish Field: A parishioner had indicated that poor state of repair of the fence at the southern end of the field. MR/RE indicated that this is a recurring problem that Jo Pendleberry (JP, Waterland) faces with members of the public breaking the fence down to enter the woodland, and that she does mend the fence regularly. It was suggested the ditch to the southern end and parallel to the Spine Road also needs clearing. Action: MR/RE contact JP and discuss the issue and whether any more permanent solution could be sought.
    8. Neighbridge: Ben Wellbourn had provided information about the level of income from the Neighbridge car park, although SKPC did not understand the basis of the figures and would like further clarification. JW had attended the virtual Multiagency Waterpark meeting the previous week and would circulate the minutes when received. Action: WC to contact BW and seek further clarification on the figures.
    9. Flooding: Concerns were raised about the high water table and flooding in the vicinity of Water Lane. Clearing and jetting the County ditch and drains were discussed as a solution to the problem. Action:  WC to contact Laurence King (CDC, Flood manager) and GCC Highways to investigate and seek solutions.

4.10 Hedges: The overhanging hedge on The Street had been pruned which was welcomed.

4.11 Other matters

4.11.1 Social and Safe Roads Survey: GV had completed the survey but not been sent off.

4.11.2 PC Newsletter: Action: JW to seek contributions for a spring newsletter.

Planning applications

  • 20/04183/FUL; 20/03916/FUL; 11/03126/FUL; 20/03885/FUL; 20/04183/FUL (LME) – No comments.
  • 20/04499/FUL – Full Application for Construction of a temporary 19.94MW Solar Farm at Land at Grid Reference 403536 198745 Ashton Road Siddington – No objection
  • 21/00353/TCONR; 21/00313/TCONR (Grange End, Loughrigg tree work) – No objections
  • 20/04079/FUL – Development of Land to South East of Ashland House – Extended final date for comments by consultees due on 12/02/21.
  • White barns update: TB had asked for a follow up with planning enforcement, but it would not be a fast response. Action: TB to keep aware of any update.

JW had contacted Fern Lynch regarding the lack of knowledge of LME and some helpful correspondence had been sent, and she suggested that the SKPC request site visits if deemed necessary.  A visit/ tour will be requested once COVID restrictions are lifted.


  • SSSI designation: JW had been given two detailed hardcopies of the proposals. Action: To circulate to MW (Village Lake Management Committee) on its implications for the Village Lake, and MR/RE to assess implications for the Parish Field and its lease.
  • 20 mph speed limit: A letter had been received requesting whether SKPC would like to consider the idea of collaborating with four neighbouring villages to share costs to introduce a 20 mph speed limit, but the SKPC considered this would not be viable and no further action required.
  • Community Rail partnership: Survey has been circulated to parishioners to complete as desired.
  • Covid list of volunteers:  Action: JW to update list given that some volunteers had indicated their wish to now be removed.
  • Aggressive Dog: A report had been received regarding an aggressive dog, which had been reported in the past. Action: WC to recontact the owners and the police who had previously been involved.
  • Model code of conduct: Action: To consider at next meeting.

Financial Matters

Zoom subscription (£14.39) approved; Village Lake boardwalk anti-slip strips (£150) Proposed RS seconded RE. Agreed en bloc.

Questions and comments

The red barriers on the Spine Road cycleway were continually falling down and considered unsightly and of no use for health and safety.  Action: WC to contact GCC Highways to request their removal.            

The meeting was closed at 8.55 pm.    Date of next meeting:  Monday March 1st 2021, 7.30 pm

January 2021 minutes

Minutes of the meeting of Somerford Keynes Parish Council (SKPC) 4 January 2021

Present: Cllr J. Whitwell (JW, Chair), Cllr R. Elsey (RE, Vice Chair), Cllr M. Rigby (MR), Cllr M. Keegan (MK), Cllr R. Sleeman (RS), Cllr G. Valentine (GV), Cllr A. Stradling (AS) Cllr T. Berry (TB CDC), Cllr S Parsons (SP Gloucester County Council GCC)

Parishioners:  18 attendees

Held by Zoom conference due to ongoing Coronavirus crisis.

  1. Apologies: W. Cartwright (WC clerk)
  2. Declaration of interest: GV and LME
  3. Minutes of meeting held 7 December were approved. Proposed RS, seconded MK
  4. Planning Application 20/04079/FUL Land to SE of Ashland House development

Due to the availability of TB and the attendance of a number of Parishioners, the published Agenda was re-ordered with priority given to the discussion of this application.

Firstly, JW summarised that the draft plans were briefly discussed at the last meeting in December, but it was decided to await the formal application which has now been published on the CDC Portal. As at 4/1/2021, around 80 documents were visible with around 55 objections lodged and viewable. In addition, a further number of objections had been seen by the PC but had not yet appeared on the Planning portal. It was recognised that a great deal of research, thought, time and effort had been invested by Parishioners in this topic.

JW declared that it was the intention of the PC to object and asked whether anyone opposed that view. The decision was unanimous. Proposed RS, seconded MK.

JW outlined that the grounds for this decision would need to be formulated but that his impression from the substantial objections that he had reviewed, were that the primary objection would be that the application is contrary to the NDP, that the access would be unsafe and that this may set a precedent for future similar development.

SP stated that he saw strong grounds for refusal based on elements in the Cotswold District Council Local Plan accepted in 2018 plus the fact that the development is contrary to the NDP which must carry weight and be taken into account. The flooding risk is also a key element.

TB supported this view but added that the Access issues that many had highlighted would not be a material reason to reject the application.

James Owens (JO) on behalf of Clare Baker spoke at length about the Cotswold District Plan and urged the PC to focus on this policy in its objection. This has identified 17 settlements where development should be directed where there are a range of services e.g., schools, public transport, industry. Somerford Keynes is not one of these. This is a greenfield site which is in conflict with the housing policy.

Peter Brailey (PB) further supported this view and embellished on the argument.

Ron Munroe (RM) added that the NDP should be given significant weight and treated as though it was passed through the referendum stage (only held back due to COVID). There is some case law to support the strength of this argument.

TB added that we do not need this type of housing development to meet Government targets.

SP stated that we should see the NDP & Cotswold District Plans as complementary and RM confirmed that this was very much the intention. SP also again reiterated that the flooding issue required weight given the absence of main sewers.

PB felt that the drainage issues were likely to be soluble as the Flood Authority had already responded in this regard.

JO highlighted via a highlighted plan that the whole development site is in Flood Zone 2 and a such is therefore unsuitable.

TB, when questioned, confirmed that he would look to take the matter to Committee given the strong objections but added that he would look for support from Parishioners were this to be the case. 

PB added that he felt it was unreasonable that due process had not been followed with regard to extension deadlines over the holiday period.

JW summarised that he would be drafting the objection over the coming days and thanked Parishioners for the input and attendance. Most left the meeting at this point.

  • Clerk’s report
    • Village Website Mike McKeown and Jon Lunn are due to demo the latest version of the new look website to the PC at a special meeting to be held Monday 11th January.
    • Keynes Country Park (KCP) The meeting to be scheduled between Victoria Hadnett (General Manager, Cotswold Country Park and Beach) and RE and MR – suggested date 21 January at 5pm (to be confirmed) is likely to be postponed due to latest COVID restrictions.
    • Village Lake MW (Village Lake Committee) gave update of Village lake projects: The Owl Box has arrived, owl box camera (being installed) and a grant to be sought for planting of wildflower meadow. RM enquired as to whether there might be any potential impact that the proposed Ashlands Development could have on the Lake. MW confirmed that the water level in the Lake is currently at ground water level in the area and that there was little likely impact.
    • LME No progress has been made with gaining access to LME lake area for  walking, difficulty in accessing LME personal (Oberon Rogers) has led to some frustration as repeated attempts have been made to do this. GV and MR have tried to seek clarification and a ruling on the request for Parishioners to access the private lake area. Action: MR to contact Will Vickery and set up a zoom meeting in order to progress.
    • LME cycle Way No updates
    • GCC Highways/ footpaths:
      • Village gateway signs: No installation dates have been advised as yet. Note, it has since been confirmed that the gateways have been produced and are ready awaiting installation when a crew is available to undertake the work.
      • Damaged/ fallen road sign – still to be repaired
    • Parish Field Nothing further to report
    • Neighbridge Outstanding Action: WC to try and obtain from Ben Wellbourn information about the level of income from the Neighbridge car park. AS commented on the poor state of the verges following recent bad weather and continued parking on them.

Other Planning applications

  • 20/04292/TCONR – Tree work at East Manor Barn Somerford Keynes – RS declared n interest as on a neighbouring property but commented that he saw no issues with this.
  • 20/03092/FUL – Variation of condition 2 of application 19/l00247/FUL to seek approval of the change of permitted unit type, LME
  • 20/03592/FUL – Erection of 8 detached holiday units, ancillary buildings, provision of new landscaping, vehicular access plus amendments to the waters’ edge of Minety Lake, LME
  • 20/04086/FUL – Addition of hot tub to rear decking and jetty to water’s edge. LME
  • 20/04259/FUL – Variation of condition 2 of application 19/00247/FUL to seek the approval of the change of unit location, extended decking and relocation of two trees, LME
  • 20/03207/FUL – Variation of condition 2 and 4 of application 11/03126/FUL to seek approval of the change of permitted unit type, LME
  • 20/03013/FUL – Variation of condition 2 of application 19/00247/FUL to change of permitted unit type, LME

It was discussed that the PC find it difficult to comment on LME applications due to such limited knowledge of the site as general access is denied. A visit/ tour will be requested once COVID restrictions are lifted.

GV informed that a noticeboard has now been erected on the corner of Mill Lane to put the planning Applications relating to LME.

White Barns update: Action – requires follow up with TB who is to investigate the apparent further development of the white barns on the North edge of Somerford Keynes.MR reported that she had been advised that Lavender was being planted in the fields surrounding the site.


  • Social and Safe Roads Survey: It was felt that the survey should be completed. JW asked for a volunteer and GV offered to undertake this and circulate to the PC for comment, deadline 15/1.
  • Non designated heritage structures. Peter Watkins had circulated some information on this. RS felt it was not relevant as all Listed buildings are already identified.
  • Water Lane & drainage issues. SP has been to look at Mill & Water Lane. He has yet to talk further to Highways about the issue and will do so and report back.
  • Disrupted Water Supply – Church Lane. RS reported that there was a serious issue with supply for part of the village and Poole Keynes. Thames Water had responded promptly and been on site with some services and partial pressure restored.

Financial Matters

Recommendation of increased precept by £750 approved to £3750, and Zoom subscription (£14.39) approved – Proposed MR seconded RE.

Questions and comments

JW commented on the problem of Fly Tipping and damage to stiles on Ewen Road but noted that the Council has been quick to respond to ongoing problems.  

The meeting was closed at 21.20