Minutes of the meeting of Somerford Keynes Parish Council (SKPC) 4 January 2021
Present: Cllr J. Whitwell (JW, Chair), Cllr R. Elsey (RE, Vice Chair), Cllr M. Rigby (MR), Cllr M. Keegan (MK), Cllr R. Sleeman (RS), Cllr G. Valentine (GV), Cllr A. Stradling (AS) Cllr T. Berry (TB CDC), Cllr S Parsons (SP Gloucester County Council GCC)
Parishioners: 18 attendees
Held by Zoom conference due to ongoing Coronavirus crisis.
- Apologies: W. Cartwright (WC clerk)
- Declaration of interest: GV and LME
- Minutes of meeting held 7 December were approved. Proposed RS, seconded MK
- Planning Application 20/04079/FUL Land to SE of Ashland House development
Due to the availability of TB and the attendance of a number of Parishioners, the published Agenda was re-ordered with priority given to the discussion of this application.
Firstly, JW summarised that the draft plans were briefly discussed at the last meeting in December, but it was decided to await the formal application which has now been published on the CDC Portal. As at 4/1/2021, around 80 documents were visible with around 55 objections lodged and viewable. In addition, a further number of objections had been seen by the PC but had not yet appeared on the Planning portal. It was recognised that a great deal of research, thought, time and effort had been invested by Parishioners in this topic.
JW declared that it was the intention of the PC to object and asked whether anyone opposed that view. The decision was unanimous. Proposed RS, seconded MK.
JW outlined that the grounds for this decision would need to be formulated but that his impression from the substantial objections that he had reviewed, were that the primary objection would be that the application is contrary to the NDP, that the access would be unsafe and that this may set a precedent for future similar development.
SP stated that he saw strong grounds for refusal based on elements in the Cotswold District Council Local Plan accepted in 2018 plus the fact that the development is contrary to the NDP which must carry weight and be taken into account. The flooding risk is also a key element.
TB supported this view but added that the Access issues that many had highlighted would not be a material reason to reject the application.
James Owens (JO) on behalf of Clare Baker spoke at length about the Cotswold District Plan and urged the PC to focus on this policy in its objection. This has identified 17 settlements where development should be directed where there are a range of services e.g., schools, public transport, industry. Somerford Keynes is not one of these. This is a greenfield site which is in conflict with the housing policy.
Peter Brailey (PB) further supported this view and embellished on the argument.
Ron Munroe (RM) added that the NDP should be given significant weight and treated as though it was passed through the referendum stage (only held back due to COVID). There is some case law to support the strength of this argument.
TB added that we do not need this type of housing development to meet Government targets.
SP stated that we should see the NDP & Cotswold District Plans as complementary and RM confirmed that this was very much the intention. SP also again reiterated that the flooding issue required weight given the absence of main sewers.
PB felt that the drainage issues were likely to be soluble as the Flood Authority had already responded in this regard.
JO highlighted via a highlighted plan that the whole development site is in Flood Zone 2 and a such is therefore unsuitable.
TB, when questioned, confirmed that he would look to take the matter to Committee given the strong objections but added that he would look for support from Parishioners were this to be the case.
PB added that he felt it was unreasonable that due process had not been followed with regard to extension deadlines over the holiday period.
JW summarised that he would be drafting the objection over the coming days and thanked Parishioners for the input and attendance. Most left the meeting at this point.
- Clerk’s report
- Village Website Mike McKeown and Jon Lunn are due to demo the latest version of the new look website to the PC at a special meeting to be held Monday 11th January.
- Keynes Country Park (KCP) The meeting to be scheduled between Victoria Hadnett (General Manager, Cotswold Country Park and Beach) and RE and MR – suggested date 21 January at 5pm (to be confirmed) is likely to be postponed due to latest COVID restrictions.
- Village Lake MW (Village Lake Committee) gave update of Village lake projects: The Owl Box has arrived, owl box camera (being installed) and a grant to be sought for planting of wildflower meadow. RM enquired as to whether there might be any potential impact that the proposed Ashlands Development could have on the Lake. MW confirmed that the water level in the Lake is currently at ground water level in the area and that there was little likely impact.
- LME No progress has been made with gaining access to LME lake area for walking, difficulty in accessing LME personal (Oberon Rogers) has led to some frustration as repeated attempts have been made to do this. GV and MR have tried to seek clarification and a ruling on the request for Parishioners to access the private lake area. Action: MR to contact Will Vickery and set up a zoom meeting in order to progress.
- GCC Highways/ footpaths:
- Village gateway signs: No installation dates have been advised as yet. Note, it has since been confirmed that the gateways have been produced and are ready awaiting installation when a crew is available to undertake the work.
- Damaged/ fallen road sign – still to be repaired
- Parish Field Nothing further to report
- Neighbridge Outstanding Action: WC to try and obtain from Ben Wellbourn information about the level of income from the Neighbridge car park. AS commented on the poor state of the verges following recent bad weather and continued parking on them.
Other Planning applications
- 20/04292/TCONR – Tree work at East Manor Barn Somerford Keynes – RS declared n interest as on a neighbouring property but commented that he saw no issues with this.
- 20/03092/FUL – Variation of condition 2 of application 19/l00247/FUL to seek approval of the change of permitted unit type, LME
- 20/03592/FUL – Erection of 8 detached holiday units, ancillary buildings, provision of new landscaping, vehicular access plus amendments to the waters’ edge of Minety Lake, LME
- 20/04086/FUL – Addition of hot tub to rear decking and jetty to water’s edge. LME
- 20/04259/FUL – Variation of condition 2 of application 19/00247/FUL to seek the approval of the change of unit location, extended decking and relocation of two trees, LME
- 20/03207/FUL – Variation of condition 2 and 4 of application 11/03126/FUL to seek approval of the change of permitted unit type, LME
- 20/03013/FUL – Variation of condition 2 of application 19/00247/FUL to change of permitted unit type, LME
It was discussed that the PC find it difficult to comment on LME applications due to such limited knowledge of the site as general access is denied. A visit/ tour will be requested once COVID restrictions are lifted.
GV informed that a noticeboard has now been erected on the corner of Mill Lane to put the planning Applications relating to LME.
White Barns update: Action – requires follow up with TB who is to investigate the apparent further development of the white barns on the North edge of Somerford Keynes.MR reported that she had been advised that Lavender was being planted in the fields surrounding the site.
- Social and Safe Roads Survey: It was felt that the survey should be completed. JW asked for a volunteer and GV offered to undertake this and circulate to the PC for comment, deadline 15/1.
- Non designated heritage structures. Peter Watkins had circulated some information on this. RS felt it was not relevant as all Listed buildings are already identified.
- Water Lane & drainage issues. SP has been to look at Mill & Water Lane. He has yet to talk further to Highways about the issue and will do so and report back.
- Disrupted Water Supply – Church Lane. RS reported that there was a serious issue with supply for part of the village and Poole Keynes. Thames Water had responded promptly and been on site with some services and partial pressure restored.
Financial Matters
Recommendation of increased precept by £750 approved to £3750, and Zoom subscription (£14.39) approved – Proposed MR seconded RE.
Questions and comments
JW commented on the problem of Fly Tipping and damage to stiles on Ewen Road but noted that the Council has been quick to respond to ongoing problems.
The meeting was closed at 21.20