Minutes of the meeting of Somerford Keynes Parish Council (SKPC) 12th April 2021
Present: Cllr J. Whitwell (JW, Chair), Cllr R. Elsey (RE, Vice Chair), Cllr M. Rigby (MR), Cllr M. Keegan (MK), Cllr R. Sleeman (RS), Cllr G. Valentine (GV), Cllr A. Stradling (AS) Cllr T. Berry (TB CDC), Cllr S Parsons (SP Gloucester County Council GCC), W. Cartwright (WC, Clerk) plus 2 parishioners.
Held by Zoom conference due to ongoing Coronavirus crisis.
- Apologies: Mike Wilding
2. Declaration of interest: GV and LME
3. Minutes of meeting held 1st March were approved. Proposed RS, seconded MR.
4. Business rate relief (Aideen Wilding, AW): AW wished to seek Parish Council support for the village hall application for the discretionary tax relief of 20% (previously it was granted without the need for application). There was unanimous support from the SKPC for its application.
5. Parish clerk appointment: JW thank WC for all herwork over the past four and a half years and indicated that the role had been advertised by e-mail, noticeboard and website with the applicant deadline of 23rd April. There was interest from one applicant currently.
6. Internal auditor appointment: It was unanimously agreed thatRoger Duckett would conduct the internal audit of the SKPC accounts for 2020/21. Proposed RS, Seconded MK.
7. Future plans of Neighbridge Country Park: JW presented the slides from a recent meeting which had occurred with Matthew Millet (Cotswold Lakes Trust). The key points were that there was to be a) an upgraded play area at the site of the current play area (following removal of the old equipment)and green gym b) a landscape architect was being commissioned to redesign the boardwalk area with additional planting c) a ranger be employed to be present 3 days/week over high season to encourage behaviour such as removing litter, no swimming, use of the car park d) additional facilities such as a pop up café with purchases such as milk, newspapers near the play area, basic toilets, 30 minutes free car parking. It was considered these steps should be trialled this year. Some aspects were considered highly positive such the increased presence of a ranger, basic toilets, the free car parking for short stay visitors. There were concerns raised about worsening car parking issues given the popularity seen last year, and whether this will become an increased concern. SP indicated he was the chair of a committee on parking and how enforcement was being considered. A list of who to contact in the event of parking or other problems was requested from CDC, and also the current situation on completion of the footpath/cycleway by LME. Action: JW to circulate slides to SKPC. Action: TB to investigate the latest situation on the cycleway.
8. Clerk’s report
8.1 Access to LME lake: Following presentation by Oberon Rogers at the previous March PC meeting, JW is to meet with Andy Mortimor, the Chairman of the Homeowners Resident Association on 13/4/21 to improve links between LME and the Parish Council.
8.2 Village Website: Mike McKeown (MM) and Jon Lunn (JL) had given a training session which had been attended by JW and WC who was successfully able to update posts on the new website.
8.3 Keynes Country Park: (KCP); Action: WC to arrange a meeting with MR, RE and Tom Kiddey (Manager, Cotswold Country Park and Beach) ideally on the same day as Jo Pendleberry (JP) regarding the Parish Field.
8.4 Village Lake: Mike Wilding (MW, Village Lake Management Committee, VLMC) had given an update of Village lake projects and indicated that the LME 106 grant for planting of wildflower meadow had successful. The Parish Council wished to thank MW for all his hard work on the application. The Natural England designation of the SSSI of the Village Lake and required paperwork were still in progress. The water gauge board had been purchased as well as “please shut the gate” signs. It was noted that a bonfire had taken place at the Village Lake, and SP discussed the difficulty of enforcement of rules but that this was being considered at a wider level for the whole area. Action: MW to correspond with Natural England on consent of maintenance work.
8.5 LME cycleway: No update.
8.6 GCC Highways/ footpaths:
- Village gateway signs: Awaiting installation. Action: WC to contact Gill Portlock (GCC Highways) on timescale.
- Water Lane potholes: A temporary repair of some potholes had been recently carried out, but this measure was to be follow up with much larger patching of a better quality and more permanent nature, most likely around June.
- Footpath post: Action: WC to request a meeting with Frank Dorrington-Ward (FDW), RS and JW (copied to SP) now Covid restrictions are lifting to discuss style replacement with kissing gates.
- Cycleway red barriers: Action: WC to chase GP had get them reinstated as they remained fallen over.
8.7 Parish Field: Nothing further to report other than to set up a meeting with JP.
8.8 Neighbridge: See section on planned future (section 7).
8.9 Flooding: Nothing further to report.
8.10 Newsletter: AS was thanked for writing the spring newsletter.
8.11 Other matters
8.11.1 Litter picking: Des Sheen efforts had been acknowledged with appreciation.
8.11.2 Aggressive dog: WC had recontacted the police and a visit to the owners of the dog made to discuss the concerns and an incident number given, and any further concerns reported directly to the police.
8.11.3 Watercourse/Drainage Ditches: A question had been received from a parishioner regarding whether the County ditch could be regarded as a watercourse as there had been some indication on an old OS map that this could be the case. RS indicated that the River Thames was the nearest watercourse which was the responsibility of the Environment Agency, rather than the County ditch.
8.11.4 Street signs: There was discussion about the merits of new street signs that were being installed by CDC, and it was noted that the one for Elm View had already been replaced.
8.11.5 113 Triathlons: Graeme Hardie indicated that these are scheduled for on 6th June and 11th July and offered that if desired, he could attend the next Parish meeting. It was agreed this was unnecessary given his previous attendance and that correspondence was adequate.
8.11.6 Face to face Parish Council meetings: After the 7th May, the current legislation was being removed to continue virtual meetings, although the decision was being reviewed later in April. The Gloucestershire Association of Town and Parish Councils (GAPTC) indicated that many Parish Councils are not keen to return to face to face meetings until later in the year, and will be continuing virtual meetings. It was agreed that SKPC will continue to meet virtually with open invitation to the public for the time being.
9. Planning applications
- 20/03592/FUL; 21/00774/FUL; 21/00843/FUL (various LME), No objections
- 20/03319/FUL (The Weighbridge Cabin, The Paddocks, Somerford Keynes); No objection.
- 21/00215/FUL; 21/00216/LBC (Old School House, Somerford Keynes); No objection
- 21/01000/FUL (The Lane Garden Ewen Road Somerford Keynes): No objection.
- 21/00840/TCONR; 21/01381/TCONR; No objections.
- 21/00961/FUL – Change of use from a cycle hire facility (E (a) Use Class) to a single residential dwelling (C3 Use Class) at Tall Trees Water Lane Somerford Keynes. There was discussion that more information was required from the planning department on the legality of its current use as a residential dwelling. Action: TB to advise SKPC following discussion with the planning department. Action: WC to write to the planning department to request a deadline extension whilst clarification is sought.
- Nothing further to report on Ashlands House development or White Barns. The Croft House planning application had been refused due to design issues, and new plans were being considered. Natural England had objected to the fishing cabin (LME) application due to environmental reasons and TB would keep SKPC informed of any further updates.
10. Financial Matters
Zoom subscription expenses £14.39; Microsoft subscription £59.99, Busy fingers printing £12.60, Village Lake expenses (Gauge board, signs) £17.98, £99.60. Proposed GV, seconded MK. Agreed en bloc.
The meeting was closed at 9.22pm.
Date of next meeting: Monday 10th May 2021, 7.30 pm
Date of Annual Parish Meeting: Monday 26th April 2021, 7.30 pm