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Author: SKPC Clerk

June 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Somerford Keynes Parish Council (SKPC) 7th June 2021

Present: Cllr J. Whitwell (JW, Chair), Cllr R. Elsey (RE, Vice Chair), Cllr R. Sleeman (RS), Cllr G. Valentine (GV), Cllr A. Stradling (AS) Cllr T. Berry (TB, Cotswold District Council, CDC), W. Cartwright (WC, Clerk) K. Josey (WC, Clerk) plus 1 parishioner.

Held in the Village Hall in person.

  1. Apologies:  Cllr M. Keegan, Cllr L. Spivey (Gloucestershire County Council, GCC).

2. Declaration of interest: GV and Lower Mill Estate (LME)

3.Minutes of meeting held 10th May were approved. Proposed RE, seconded AS.

4. Parish clerk appointment:  KJ has now accepted the role and is currently in the handover month with WC. WC was thanked for her all her work while in the role.

5. NDP and GCC election results: WC had organised copies of the NDP newsletter for distribution and Councillors have distributed throughout the village. JW thanked everyone for their efforts. It was noted that Ron Munroe (RM) and Sarah Powell (SP) may like to receive a bound copy of the NDP as a thankyou and appreciation for their hard work. JW also stated that copy for the PC would be useful. Action WC to investigate costs. Lisa Spivey (LS) had been elected as the GCC Councillor and was meeting JW on 9th June to discuss local issues, and any other Councillors were welcome to attend.

6. Clerk’s report

6.1 LME: CDC Planning Officer role – TB will update once position is filled, and to check on the rules on limits of number of jetties/water vehicle use.   

6.2 Village Website: Nothing further to report.  

6.3 Keynes Country Park: (KCP): Tom Kiddey (TK, Manager, Cotswold Country Park and Beach) had responded to MK’s email regarding very loud music and assured her that this was a one-off event planned prior to his tenure.

6.4 Village Lake: No further update.

6.5 LME cycleway: Action: TB to follow up on position on section 106 funds on LME cycleway. Hannah Fountain is the Sustainable Transport Lead with whom TB will liaise.

6.6 GCC Highways/ footpaths:

6..6.1 Village gateway signs: No further contact from GCC regarding installation date. Action: KJ/JW to follow up on lack of progress.

6..6.2 Water Lane potholes: Awaiting repair and WC had contacted GP (GCC Highways) on current timescale.

6.6.3 Footpaths: JW and RS had a productive meeting with Frank Dorrington-Ward (FW, GCC) and footpath updates have already been carried out at various locations around the village. A further meeting is arranged for 8th June 2021 with a representative for Mrs Timbrell to look at gates and funding, possibly using CIL money. Action: RS/JW to update with outcome.   

6.7 Parish Field:  Action: WC to arrange review meeting with Jo Pendleberry (JP), RE and MR.

6.8 Neighbridge: JW has had contact with Paul Hazel (Chair of Cotswold Lakes Trust). The pop-up cafe is unlikely to happen this summer. The ice cream van will continue. The weekend warden is dependent on raising the funds to pay for it. The 30 minute free parking is still on the cards. The new play area will also happen at some point. Action: JW to keep updated on any developments.

JW has exchanged email with Richard Gray (GCC) reference the state of verges due to parking in the hope of some support due to links with Thames Path this is unlikely. JW to raise with LS (GCC).

       6.9 Flooding: Nothing further to report

       6.10 Newsletter: Nothing further to report.  

6.11 Other matters

6.11.1 Face to face Parish Council meetings: Commenced 7th June 2021 with thanks to Des Sheen for enabling this to happen safely. JW has also completed relevant risk assessments.

6.11.2 Bonfires at Lane End Gardens: A further complaint was made by the same parishioner and KJ has written to the landowners and there has been no further complaint. MR commented that she could also smell burning rubber on 5th June 2021 while in her garden.

6.11.3 Replacement of worn Flood Bund: JW had seen Environment Agency personnel inspecting the bund, they have informed him during a conversation that this is worn in places due to foot traffic and are looking to repair as necessary.

  7. Correspondence

7.1 South Cerney have now completed their NDP it was suggested that Sarah Powell and Ron Munroe are informedAction: KJ to email.

7.2 Des Sheen raised concerns regarding parking and muddy condition of the yellow lines on Spratsgate LaneAction: JW to raise with Lisa Spivey.

7.3 The grass is continuing to cover the newly laid Kennel Bungalow footpath and a request is being made for a kindly parishioner to strim the grass twice a year to help maintain the footpath condition. Action: KJ to request this through email to parishioners.

7.4 A parishioner had enquired about setting up a playgroup in the village hall and toy request.

7.5 A parishioner had sent photographs of significant litter following a BBQ, and lack of respect for the countryside.

7.6 TB offered to re-investigate The Street renaming.

8. Planning applications

  • 21/01856/FUL – Timber canopy at Waterland – no objection
  • 21/01884/FUL- Two-storey extension, Ivydene, Shorncote – no objection
  • 21/01679/FUL – Permitted unit type and occupancy restriction, LME – no objection
  • 21/01517/FUL – Seasonal yurt, food and beverage take-away outlet, LME – no objection but request for conditions regarding opening hours and noise limits Action: KJ to contact Planning Department (CDC) regarding conditions
  • 21/01900/FUL – Jetty to lakeside plus addition of electric vehicle charging point, LME – no objection
  • 21/01979/FUL – 0utside decking area, LME – no objection
  • 21/02175/FUL – Change of use of agricultural building to agricultural machinery storage and repair (Retrospective) at South Leaze Farm Shorncote Somerford Keynes Cirencester Gloucestershire – no objection

Ashland House update. TB indicated that he understood that the current plans had been withdrawn and new plans were being rethought by the applicant.

9.Financial Matters:

9.1 Expenditure: Printing £21, Gift Flowers £10, Clerk’s salary £691.80, Zoom subscription £14.39 proposed AS, seconded RE.

The meeting was closed at 8.40 pm.    

Date of next meeting:  Monday 5th July 2021, 7.30 pm