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February 2021 agenda

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 1st February at 7.30pm in the Village Hall is CANCELLED due to Covid-19.  However, it will be held via zoom meeting:

Please contact John Whitwell on [email protected] for details and password.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of interest
  3. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting held on 4th January
  4. Matters arising from previous minutes
  5. Planning applications
  6. Correspondence
  7. Financial Matters
  8. Questions/comments

Wendy Cartwright, Parish Clerk

25th January 2020


  • SSSI designation
  • 20 mph speed limit
  • Community Rail partnership
  • PSL Manager change
  • Potholes, village gateway signs
  • Water Lane gritting
  • Emergency Plan, Covid plan list of volunteers, Water Lane drainage
  • Aggressive Dog, Footpath post adj to Old School House, Parish Field fencing/ditch
  • Model code of conduct

Planning Applications

  • 20/04183/FUL – Vary condition 2 of planning permission 11/03126/FUL to change the permitted unit, LME
  • 20/04499/FUL – Full Application for Construction of a temporary 19.94MW Solar Farm at Land at Grid Reference 403536 198745 Ashton Road Siddington
  • 20/03916/FUL – Full Application to vary conditions 2 and 4 of planning permission 11/03126/FUL to change the permitted unit type and occupancy restriction, LME
  • 20/03885/FUL – Full Application to vary conditions 2 and 4 of planning permission 11/03126/FUL to change the permitted unit type and occupancy restriction, LME
  • 20/04183/FUL – Full Application to vary condition 2 of planning permission 11/03126/FUL to change the permitted unit type, LME  
  • 21/00353/TCONR – Grange End Tree work; 21/00313/TCONR – Loughrigg Tree work
  • 20/04079/FUL – Development of Land to South East of Ashland House – update
  • White barns update

Financial Matters

Zoom subscription expenses £14.39; Village Lake increase £150 budget